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how the banks may view your loan application
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About Us

At <<COMPANY NAME>>, we strive for excellence in all that we do and look forward to helping you reach your finance goals. We believe that loan products should be easy to understand, easy to access and allow you peace of mind.You should think of us as a professional resource in the same way you think of your accountant, financial planner or solicitor. You can rely on us to always think of your best interests.We will work with you and your service providers (real estate agent, conveyancer and lender) during your purchasing or re-financing process, while ensuring you obtain the finance that best suits your circumstances and needs.When you call <<COMPANY NAME>>, you will speak to a real person. We will guide you through your loan process, providing you with information and support every step of the way. Please contact us to learn more about how we can help you today.

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John Doe


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Jane Doe


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John Smith


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We look forward to helping you with your finance needs. We can help first home buyers, next home buyers, refinancers and investors. Have a look below to see what kind of services we offer, or call us to discuss your specific requirements.

There are literally hundreds of loan products on the market today and it is our job to help you find the right solution to suit your individual needs and servicing ability.

We pride ourselves on delivering proactive service and support. We have extensive experience in all things lending, including:


Just starting out and not sure what kind of loan you need? No worries! We are here to help. As a first home buyer, you can obtain finance from a financial institution (a loan) either to purchase or secure against the property, with our assistance. Features of a mortgage such as the size of the loan, maturity of the loan, interest rate, method of paying off the loan and other characteristics can vary considerably. It’s always best to speak with a professional mortgage broker to discuss your options. We can also help you determine your eligibility and apply for the First Home Owner’s Grant.


Investment loans are structured in a specific way to allow you to make the most of your assets and finances. We can work with your financial planner and accountant to ensure your loan is set up to meet your specific needs, and we have access to competitive loan options that can help you maximise your investment returns.


Commercial property and business lending policies and interest rates are rarely found on lender’s websites. Unlike residential home loans, the pricing of a commercial loan can be negotiated based on your background in business and the security to be offered. If you need help to refinance or purchase commercial property, just contact us today.


The variable rate loan offers more features and flexibility than the basic fixed rate loan, so the rate is usually slightly higher. Fixed rate loans are set at a fixed rate for a specified period – usually one to five years. This gives you the advantage of knowing how much your repayments will be, allowing you to organise your finances without the risk of rising interest rates. However, this advantage is offset by the possibility of not benefiting from a drop in rates.


A honeymoon loan (or introductory loan) is a loan with lower interest rates or lower repayments for the first six to twelve months. After the ‘honeymoon’ term, the loan becomes a standard variable rate loan and the repayments will change to include the current standard variable interest rate. When taking out a honeymoon loan, it’s important to make sure you can meet the potentially higher repayments for the remainder of the loan. You could also be faced with a fee at the end of the honeymoon period if you want to switch to another type of loan.


A bridging loan may be necessary to cover the financial gap when buying one property before your existing one is sold. This finance is secured against the existing property (utilising equity) and the new property being purchased. Usually, bridging loans are short term (normally 6 months) to allow for the sale of the original property and more expensive than other types of loans. There are alternative ways to finance a change from one home to another, so please talk with us to discuss your options.


Need finance for another large purchase besides your home? You can also ask us to access competitive finance options for private cars and recreational vehicles, commercial vehicles, plant and equipment for your business and other kinds of small business loans for a variety of purposes. These finance options may include personal loans, car loans, a variety of leases, commercial leasing options, chattel mortgages and more.

The major benefit of using a broker to finance other large purchases besides property is obtaining finance that is tailored to fit your current financial circumstances and needs. With depreciating assets, the right finance can also potentially save you money on interest and fees, or potentially help you maximise your tax benefits.

AND MORE – Not sure what kind of loan you need for your current financial circumstances? That’s our job. We deliver tailored finance solutions chosen from a panel of leading lenders, and give you peace of mind that your loan is working for you. Contact us today to find out all the ways we can help you.

why choose us

Whether you are a just starting out with your first home, or you are a seasoned investor, we are committed to providing you with the right home loan to meet your needs. We will discuss every aspect of your loan with you and ensure you understand the fine details – like competitive interest rates, offset facilities, unlimited additional deposits and redraw facilities. You can rely on us to provide you with customer service that you will value for the life of your loan, and that we will continue to support you in achieving your future goals.

Putting our customers at the heart of everything we do sets us apart from our competition. Our commitment to you, our borrowers:
  • We will be easy to do business with
  • You will talk to a real person
  • We will get back to you
  • We will go the extra mile, every time
  • We will listen to what you want
  • We will provide home loan options that suit your needs
  • We will source competitive interest rates
  • We are here to serve you and ensure you will be 100% satisfied with our service.
We have a dedicated team here in house. When you call us, your queries will be answered by one of our friendly brokers. We will guide you through your entire loan application or re-finance process and provide you with the assistance and advice you need into the future.

You can feel confident that you are in safe hands and we will find the loan that’s right for you.
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Our communications ensure that you are kept up to date with useful information that tells you what you need to know. For example, we will let you know the outcome of the monthly Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) meeting, and what this means for interest rates.

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Use our mortgage calculators to estimate how much you can borrow. We’ve designed these calculators to give you a better insight into how the lenders will view your loan application.

The information provided by the calculator is intended to provide illustrative examples based on the stated assumptions of your input. Results are a guide only and do not constitute financial advice or any guarantee that you will be approved for a loan by a lender.

You should always discuss your individual circumstances with a representative of <<COMPANY NAME>> before placing your deposit or purchasing any property.

contact us

When we help you with your borrowing needs, we consider you to be a client for life. We want you to be confident that you are working with professionals who have your best interests in mind now and in the long term.

We have many years of experience in finance and professional mortgage broking. Our aim is to find you the best loan for your needs, and to make the process as simple and transparent as possible.

Please get in touch with us today.

contact information

Postal Address: 00 Fake St
Melbourne, VIC 3000
The privacy of your personal information is important to us. By providing your personal information to <<COMPANY NAME>>, you consent to be contacted by a representative of <<COMPANY NAME>> from time to time for marketing purposes. We will use your contact details to send you direct marketing communications including offers, updates and newsletters that are relevant to the services we provide. We may do so by mail or electronically. You can unsubscribe by notifying us and we will no longer send this information to you. Click <here> to view our full Privacy Policy.